Andorian Genders - Canon vs Soft Canon (spoilers)


DGM Apocalypse: Hello! Our fleet is very active with five weekly RP ships. I'd encourage you to check out our discord at since we all tend to be much more active there than on the forums. May 3, 2023 20:07:49 GMT -5
Lieutenant jg Bore Ristovski: Yeah, we tend to be around a few times every week, but the discord is a lot more active. May 4, 2023 8:10:33 GMT -5
PossibleCadet: Hello all! I'm very interested in joining, however are there actual starfleet classes and exams. The curriculum is a large draw for me, as much as I love RP I'm still very new to ST and would love to have the opportunity to actually learn while in training Jun 7, 2023 15:08:06 GMT -5
PossibleCadet: Thank you for your time and knowledge. Jun 7, 2023 15:08:46 GMT -5
Captain Erys Murai: The current RP is all ship-based. The curriculum mentioned in our application and player guides is mostly to indicate what skills should be chosen, based on the selected career path. Jun 7, 2023 20:37:44 GMT -5
Captain Erys Murai: That being said, the GM's might be able to work a cadet into the story. I know they've worked some on-the-job training in before. Jun 7, 2023 20:38:25 GMT -5
Captain Erys Murai: If you're wanting to learn more about Trek, there are a lot of lore videos out there, but I recommend just watching the shows as you have time. I would start with the Next Generation, then Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Lower Decks in that order. Jun 7, 2023 20:42:42 GMT -5
Captain Erys Murai: The other series are also worth watching, but the ones I mentioned are the most relevant to our timeline for historical purposes. TNG starts about 60 years prior to the fleet's current date, with DS9 and Voyager each starting a few years later. Jun 7, 2023 20:44:12 GMT -5 *
Captain Erys Murai: Of course there's also some information on Memory Alpha and our fleet wiki. If you have more questions, feel free to ask here on the forum or in our fleet's discord. Jun 7, 2023 20:51:16 GMT -5
Lt Commander Marcus Aquila: To add to Erys a cadet on a cadet cruise that got trapped in the Large Magellanci CLoud due to the fleet story would fit. We often want new players to play relatively new characters so that you can build naturally. Jun 8, 2023 11:03:54 GMT -5
Lieutenant JG Alerio Zhal: *Lurks* Aug 2, 2023 16:03:45 GMT -5
DGM Soft Kitty: Message in OOC. No power 😭 Aug 20, 2023 18:13:43 GMT -5
Deleted: uh.. hi! i'm new to this proboards stuff. still not sure if i joined the fleet yet... May 26, 2024 21:37:30 GMT -5
harmonia: Hey, I read the recent posts, as I'm new here and is this fleet still active after the death of DGM Soft Kitty (May they rest in peace)? Aug 1, 2024 23:20:31 GMT -5
DGM Apocalypse: Hello, we are currently in the process of putting things back together for the next iteration of our fleet RP. I expect we'll be back up and running within the next few weeks. Aug 2, 2024 13:22:01 GMT -5
Dr Sovek: I stopped by to see if this group was still around and felt my heart sink reading that. My condolences, they were one of the best GMs and coolest people I've had the pleasure of knowing. Aug 6, 2024 14:51:19 GMT -5
royaljuicetimere: Hello all Nov 20, 2024 0:50:16 GMT -5
royaljuicetimere: I'm attempting to join and filling out an application do you all have a discord or something I can verbally communicate with? Nov 20, 2024 0:50:49 GMT -5
Lt Commander Marcus Aquila: we have a discord where pretty much everything happens this site is more for archival purposes Nov 22, 2024 0:33:31 GMT -5
Lt Commander Marcus Aquila: Nov 22, 2024 0:33:41 GMT -5
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